Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hey, good lookin', What'cha got cookin'?

How's about cookin' something up with us at the crop this weekend at My Scrapbook Nook?


We'll have a smorgasbord of tasty options to whet your scrapping appetite and have some yummy prizes lined up from Jenni Bowlin, SEI, October Afternoon and more!

Check the crop forum for some appetizers to get you started before the feast begins on Friday and bring a friend along for the fun, too. It's no fun to eat alone!

p.s. the first challenge is up- a little appetizer to get you started. Here's the info:

And here are my cards:

Come on over and join us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok...we shall see... (I posted 4 things a few days ago. Just thought you would like to know.)