Tuesday, May 31, 2011

slacker blogger

Yes, that's me...a slacker blogger.

There just isn't enough time in the day, you know?

And, I haven't had as much time to scrap lately so I don't have much to show you here.

We went to a service at a local cemetery yesterday in honor of Memorial Day and guess what?

As I was getting the stroller out of the back of the van my camera (with my 50mm lens) and my 18-55 lens fell onto the ground. I was scared that my camera was broken. We were late so I just picked everything up and put it in my bag and put it in the car, fearing the worst. The 50mm lens was completely broken but the camera and the 18-55 ended up being okay. Thank goodness. of course nothing is cheap to replace but the 50mm 1.8 is relatively inexpensive. The camera, however, is not.

So, I don't have any pictures from yesterday that I can share with you, either.

Maybe this week I will get my act together!

I hope you have a great day.

OH!! We are trying to sort out toys and clothes from our kids and I was wondering how you keep the clutter/amount of stuff down. Do you sort every so often? Do you give lots of things away? How often do you do this? How do you keep things organized?

I would love some tips, and perhaps later this week I'll post about that giveaway I was talking about.



jenifer said...

the key to a clean house is getting rid of A LOT of stuff OFTEN. i've learned by experience-- it is impossible to keep a house clean when you have lots of STUFF.

i promise-- get rid of it and you won't miss it. (it's so hard for creative souls like us!)
good luck!

laterg8r said...

i am in a constant state of purging :D

i always have a box going for charity stuff and i regularly sort through the kids toys and clothes to get rid of things. i also label boxes with sizes so i don't have to re-sort (i have clothes i have to save for younger kids) :D

my house is still full of loads of stuff - 4 kids will do that to you LOL :D

so glad your camera isn't broken :D

Britt said...

OMGoooooodness, woman! You have FOUR little girls to take care of! I don't know how you find time to brush your teeth! But I'm sure you do. I'm sure they're sparkly white. So as far as blogging goes, you are so not a slacker! Every time I see that you've posted, I'm like, "WHAAAA??? How does she find the time!?!?"


Sherri said...

Please don't be so hard on yourself Becky. You. Have. Four. Kids. One Husband. A lovely home. And everything that comes with all those blessings. Gheesh lady, you get more done in a day than a lot of us. I haven't been so good with the blogging lately either. Life just gets in the way of all our fun sometimes :) Take care my friend xo

Laurie said...

I go through my little ones toys every couple of months, give away anything he doesn't play with to goodwill and as far as clothes go, at the end of every summer, right before school starts I go through all three kids drawers and giveaway whatever doesn't fit, helps keep the drawers from getting too full...