Sunday, October 11, 2009

I won!!

Now I'm not one who wins things very often so of course I'm excited.

I entered a drawing on my friend, Leah's blog and WON!!!


So, I get to choose between these two things...I think I'll take the ribbon box because heaven knows I need to organize my huge supply of ribbon that I can't seem to get enough of.

The good news is that now I am one of ten finalists who have a chance to win this, and the results will be posted on October 12th. That's not too far away, huh? Yeah, I'm stoked.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, okay?!

This could do wonders for my scrap space. Right now it looks like a tornado went through with piles of paper and magazines and completed projects and boxes and stuff's no wonder I keep the door locked.

p.s. ok, so I didn't win the BIG prize but that's okay. I still won that cute ribbon organizer. Congrats to all of the other winners, too!!


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

yay, congrats to you! You'll love the ribbon box! Oh my, look at all the storage you'd have, fingers crossed!
Kim xXx

mustangkayla said...

How exciting! Congrats!

laterg8r said...

wow, i hope you win the big one - fingers crossed :D

Anonymous said...

If you win the big prize, can I have it? hee hee hee...

LG said...

that ribbon organizer is so cute :) CONGRATS!